Talwalkars Gym in Ulubari Guwahati
Talwalkars Ulubari, Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam, India
- http://www.talwalkars.net
0361 246 5937 / +91 22 66553636 / +91 22 6612 6300
6AM–10PM Sun:9AM-1PM
Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited, commonly known as Talwalkars, is one of India’s largest chain of health centres. It has over 150 ultramodern branches across 80 cities in the country, with over 1,25,000 members.
Talwalkars not only offers you the latest technology in fitness but also the fabulous services, expertise and flexibility of Talwalkars which made us brand name in the fitness industry.
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