Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya Hospital in Guwahati

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya Hospital

With 25 years of quality eye care service to the people from India and many neighboring countries. Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya Hospital is the pioneer in eye care treatment which is situated in Guwahati city of Assam.

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya Hospital (SSN), the premier eye hospital & Postgraduate Institute of ophthalmology of the Northeast, established its own eye bank – Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya Eye Bank. It is a state-of-the-art unit registered under the ‘Transplantation of Human Organs Act and accredited by the Eye Bank Association of India, a parent body for controlling the Eye Bank system in India, which, in turn, is controlled by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of Govt. of India. Incidentally, it is also the first accredited eye bank of Northeastern India and one of the 7 eye banks that exist in the Northeast.

Three medical colleges of Assam in Guwahati, Dibrugarh and Silchar have their own eye banks, with the fourth, fifth and sixth being Jeuti Eye Bank in Jorhat, Lions Drishti Eye Bank in Dibrugarh and Mizoram Civil Hospital Eye Bank in Aizawl, Mizoram, respectively.

Speciality Clinic & Services

  • Oculofacial Aesthetic Clinic
  • Departmet Of Laboratory Services
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology Unit
  • Uveitis Clinic
  • Glaucoma Services
  • Lasik Laser Clinic
  • Ocular Prosthesis Clinic
  • Oculoplasty Services
  • Retina Services
  • Cataract Services
  • Investigation
  • Corneal Services
  • Out Patient Departments

Academics & Research


Title of Course

Started since


Affiliated with


DNB in Ophthalmology(Primary)


3 years

National Board of examinations, New Delhi


DNB in Ophthalmology (Secondary)


2 years

National Board of examinations, New Delhi


Fellowship in Comprehensive Ophthalmology


18 Months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Fellowship in Community Ophthalmology


18 Months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Fellowship in Cornea


18 Months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Fellowship in Glaucoma


18 Months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Fellowship in Medical Retina & Uvea


18 Months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Fellowship in Orbit & Oculoplasty


18 Months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology


18 Months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Fellowship in Vitreo Retina


18 Months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Short Term Training Programme for SICS


2 months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Short Term Training Programme for SICS


2 months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Short Term Training Programme for Phacoemulcification


2 months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Short Term Training Programme for Phacoemulcification


2 months



Internship training in Optometry


1 year

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Observership for Doctors (Surgical Observership for Doctors (Surgical Procedures) Refresher Training in Ophthalmology


1 to 3 months

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


B. Optometry


4 years

Srimanta Sankaradeva University of health Sciences, Guwahati , Assam


Paramedical Ophthalmic Assistant and Ophthalmic Nursing (POA & ON)


1 year

Srimanta Sankaradeva University of health Sciences, Guwahati , Assam


Short Term Training Programme in Vitreo Retina


2 - 3 months



Short Term Training Programme in Medical Retina


2 - 3 months



Short Term Training Programme in Orbit & Oculoplasty


2 - 3 months



Para Medical Training(PMOA)


As per respective institutional requirement

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


B. Sc. Nursing training


As per respective institutional requirement

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


MBA Internship


As per respective institutional requirement

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


BBA Internship


As per respective institutional requirement

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


B. Optom Observation Programme


As per respective institutional requirement

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya


Fellowship in Contact Lens


1 year

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya

Consultants Doctors List

Name: Dr. Harsha Bhattacharjee

Qualification: MBBS, MS, FRCP (EDIN)

Designation: President (Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya)Trustee (Sri Kanchi Sankara Health & Educational Foundation)

Department: Comprehensive Ophthalmology

Years of experience:30 Years

Publications: 113 scientific publications in National & International peer-reviewed journals.

Name: Dr. (Mrs.) Kasturi Bhattacharjee

Qualification: MBBS, MS, DNB, FRCS Ed, FRCS (GLASGOW)

Designation :Director (Clinical & Academic)

Department: Cataract & Refractive Services, Orbit, Oculoplasty & Reconstruction Surgery Services, Botox & dermal Fillers Services, Orbital Fracture Services, Led/Ocular/Orbital Oncology Services, Cosmetic Lid & Face Services and Lasik Services.

Years of experience: 25 years

Publications: 70 scientific publications in National & International peer-reviewed journals.

Name: Dr. (Mrs.) Damaris Magdalene

Qualification: MBBS, DO, FIACLE (AUS)

Designation: Senior Consultant

Department: Paediatric Ophthalmology Services, Squint Services, Binocular Vision, Contact Lens & Neuro Vision Services, Low Vision Services

Years of experience: 25 years

Publications: 21 number scientific publications in National & International peer-reviewed journals & 03 research projects

Dr. (Mrs.) Hemalata Deka

Name: Dr. (Mrs.) Hemalata Deka

Qualification: MBBS, MS

Designation: Senior Consultant

Department: Medical Retina & Laser Services

Years of experience: 25 years

Name: Dr. Balmukund Agarwal

Qualification: MBBS, MS, FSSN, FMRF (Chennai)

Designation: Senior Consultant

Department: Cataract and Refractive Surgery Services, Cornea & Eye Bank Services, Lasik Services

Years of experience: 21 years

Publications: 6 number of scientific publications in National & International peer reviewed journals

Dr. Dipankar Das

Name: Dr. Dipankar Das

Qualification: MBBS, MS

Designation: Senior Consultant, HOD: Uveitis-Ocular Pathology Service

Department: Uvea Services & Ocular Pathology

Years of experience: 21 years

Publications: 138 number of scientific publications in National & International peer-reviewed journals

Name: Dr. Manab Jyoti Barman

Qualification : MBBS, DO, DNB

Designation: Senior Consultant

Department: Vitreo Retina & Ocular Oncology Services

Years of experience: 20 years

Publications: 35 number scientific publications in National & International peer reviewed journals

Dr. Ganesh Ch. Kuri

Name: Dr. Ganesh Ch. Kuri

Qualification: MBBS, MS, Fellow in Orbit Oculoplasty & Refractive Surgery

Designation: Senior Consultant

Department: Cataract and Refractive Surgery Services, Orbit Oculoplasty and Reconstructive Surgery Services, Comprehensive Ophthalmology Services, Neuro-Ophthalmology Services, Botox, Orbital Fracture Services, Ocular Oncology Services, Ocular Trauma & Emergency Surgery Services.

Years of experience: 20 years

Dr. Debajit Deka

Name: Dr. Debajit Deka

Qualification: MBBS, MS

Designation: Senior Consultant

Department: Comprehensive Ophthalmology Services, Medical Retina & Laser Services

Years of experience: 21 years

Dr Mrs Krishna Gogoi

Name: Dr. (Mrs.) Krishna Gogoi

Qualification: MBBS, MD, Ph.D

Designation: Senior Consultant

Department: Microbiology & Biochemistry Services

Years of experience: 25 years

Publications: 10 number of scientific publications in National & International peer-reviewed journals

Name: Dr. Shahinur Tayab

Qualification: MBBS, MS

Designation: Senior Consultant

Department: Cataract & Glaucoma Services

Years of experience: 12 years

Publications: 29 number of scientific publications in National & International peer reviewed journals

Dr. Deepa S Chitnis

Name: Dr. Deepa S Chitnis

Qualification: MBBS, MD, Fellowship in Paediatric Anaesthesia

Designation: Anaesthesiologist

Department: Anaesthesia Services

Years of experience: 21 years

Dr. Sangeeta Kalita

Name: Dr. Sangeeta Kalita

Qualification: MBBS, MS, FMRF

Designation: Consultant

Department: Cataract and Refractive Surgery Services, Cornea Services

Years of experience: 5 years

Publications: 3 number of scientific publications in National & International peer reviewed journals

Dr. Gayatri Bharali

Name: Dr. Gayatri Bharali

Qualification: MBBS, MD

Designation: Sr. Medical Officer (Physician)

Department: General Medicine

Years of experience: 15 years

Dr. Nilutparna Deori

Name: Dr. Nilutparna Deori

Qualification: MBBS, DO, DNB

Designation: Consultant

Department: Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Services, Ocular Genetics, Myopia Control Clinic, Ocular Trauma, Binocular Vision, Contact Lens & Neuro Vision Services

Years of experience: 13 years

Publications: 14 number of scientific publications in National & International peer-reviewed journals

Dr. Himangshu Kr. Talukdar

Name: Dr. Himangshu Kr. Talukdar

Qualification: MBBS

Designation: Medical Officer (Gen. Medicine)

Department: General Medicine

Years of experience: 22 years

Dr. Sumita Sarma Barthakur

Name: Dr. Sumita Sarma Barthakur

Qualification: BBS, DO (Optha), FSSDN, SRF (ICMR)

Designation: Medical Officer (Academics)

Department: Medical Officer (Academics)

Years of experience: 21 years

Publications: 6 number of scientific publications in National & International peer reviewed journals

Dr. Daisy Rani Das

Name: Dr. Daisy Rani Das

Qualification: MBBS, MS, FAEH (Cornea)

Designation: Consultant

Department: Cornea Services, Cataract, Comprehensive Ophthalmology Services

Years of experience :5 years

Publications :02 number of scientific publications in National & International peer reviewed journals

Dr. Priyank Bhola

Name: Dr. Priyank Bhola

Qualification: MBBS, DO, DNB

Designation: Consultant

Department: Vitreo Retina Services

Years of experience: 2 years

Dr. Subham Sinha Roy

Name: Dr. Subham Sinha Roy

Qualification: MBBS, MS, FMRF

Designation: Consultant

Department: Vitreo Retina Services

Years of experience: 5 years

Publications: 10 number of scientific publications in National & International peer reviewed journals

Clinical Departments

Department of Anterior and Posterior Segment
Dr. Harsha Bhattacharjee
MS, FRCP(Ed), FRCS(Glasg)
President & Trustee
HOD – Anterior and Posterior segments

Department of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Oculoplasty, Orbit, Orthoptics & Allied
Dr (Mrs), Kasturi Bhattacharjee,
MS, DNB,FRCSEd, FRCS (Glasg.), FAICO (Orbit and Oculoplasty
Director (Clinics and Academics)
HOD- Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Oculoplasty, Orbit, Orthoptics

Department of Anterior and Posterior Segment
Dr. Harsha Bhattacharjee
MS, FRCP(Ed), FRCS(Glasg)
President & Trustee
HOD – Anterior and Posterior segments

Department of Uveitis & Neuro Ophthalmology
Dr Dipankar Das
Sr. Consultant
HOD: Uveitis-Ocular Pathology Service

Department of Trauma and Emergency
Dr. Ganesh Chandra Kuri,
MBBS, MS, Fellow in Orbit Oculoplasty & Refractive Surgery
Sr. Consultant
HOD – Trauma & Emergency

Department of Vitreo Retina
Dr. Manabjyoti Barman,
Sr. Consultant
HOD – Vitreo retina

Departments of Paediatric, Squint & LVA, Contact Lens & Neuro Vision Therapy
Dr Damaris Magdalene
Sr. Consultant
I/c of Paediatric, Squint & LVA, Contact Lens & Neuro Vision Therapy

Department of Laboratory Services
Dr (Mrs) Krishna Gogoi,
Sr. Consultant
I/c of Microbiology, Biochemistry & Serology, hematology and molecular biochemistry Laboratory

Department of Medical Retina
Dr (Mrs.) Hemlata Deka,
Sr. Consultant
HOD – Medical Retina

Department of Anaesthesia
Dr (Mrs) Deepa S. Chitnis,
MBBS, MD, Fellowship in Paediatric Anaesthesia
I/c – Anaesthesia

Department of Glaucoma
Dr. (Mrs) Shahinur Tayab,
I/c – Glaucoma

Department of General Medicine
Dr (Mrs) Gayatri Bharali,
Medical Officer

Department of Academic & Research
Dr.(Mrs) Sumita Sarma Borthakur,
Academic Officer
HOD- Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Oculoplasty, Orbit, Orthoptics

Non Clinical Departments

Department of Administration
Mr Randip Prasad Kakoti
M.Com, LL.B, M.B.A.
Senior Administrator

Department of Finance & Accounts
Mr Tarit Das
B.Com (Hons), M.B.A., A.C.M.A.
Finance Manager

Department of Human Resource Development
Mr. Anupam Goswami
M.Com, M.B.A. LL.B
H R Manager

Department of Community Services and Tele Ophthalmology
Mr Dipjyoti Medhi
Community Officer

Department of Social Marketing
Syed Sagir Rahman
B.C.A., MBA ( Marketing & HR)
Service Promotion Officer

Department of Facility and House keeping
Mr Partha Pratim Baruah
B.A., Diploma in Airhostess, Hospitality & Travel Management
Facility Officer

Department of Information Technology and Communication
Mr Pankaj Kumar Goswami
P.G.D.I.T., P.G.D.T.T., M.Sc. (Info. Tech.)
I.T. In-charge

Department of Quality
Mr. Chandan Hazarika
B.Sc, Diploma in H.R.
Quality Officer

Department of Security & Safety
Mr. Pradip Ch Saikia
Ex Army.
Security & Safety Officer

Contact Us:

#96, Basistha Road,Guwahati-781028,Assam

Contact Number: 0361 2228921 / 2228922 | 98646 22022 | +91 80115-28506

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32 Reviews

  1. Pallavi Gogoi
    Pallavi Gogoi
    16 Dec 2021

    With state-of-the-art infrastructure & facilities, Sri Shankara Nethralaya is truly a good option for those in the state & region opting for ophthalmic consultation, check up or surgery. Both my parents had both their eye surgeries in this hospital. Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Ganesh Chandra Kuri Sir & his team for their excellence & expertise.

    For the uninitiated, the eye hospital has a routine procedure in place that begins with registration, doctor consultation & in case of suggested surgery, necessary pathological tests (expenses not included in mediclaim policies), visit to the research cell, fixing of surgery date with counselor & visit to TPA counter if one has medical insurance, all within the premises of the hospital.

    Do take your time to decide a convenient date if you are to undergo surgery, there is no hurry as there will be expenses & convenience to consider as well.

    Then, on the day of surgery, do carry your hot water flask, water bottle, biscuit packet, ORS, hand towel, tiffin or diabetic diet as per your requirement (i did for my parents!)

    There are canteen facilities but it’s a bit on the expensive side. On the day of surgery, you are to undergo the routine BP/ Blood sugar & eye test at the third floor, followed by payment for surgery ( or simple intimation for those with medical insurance) at the Accounts counter.

    Following this, the patient shall have to change into the medical robes & pants provided by the nurses. The patient is given eye drops and made to wear a tag on the left or right wrist, depending on the eye to be operated. Then, after a while the patient is taken to the fourth floor for operation.
    Post operation, the patient can change his or her robes & rest awhile in the provided bed till the papers for discharge from hospital arrive.

    The nurses at the station provide the necessary advice for eye care & after ensuring that the dues are cleared, the patient is permitted to leave. A few points that may be of help are mentioned below:

    *The medicines are sold at the pharmacy on the ground floor of the hospital but the service is slow as there isn’t adequate staff stationed here.
    *For those with age related problems, there are functional lifts with a person who conducts the same.
    * For any confusion ask the security staff to guide you through. They are always ready to help.
    *There is a coffee shop that also provides snacks. So you could take a break & refresh yourselves. Also, there are lots of plants in & around the place.
    * The nursing staff is dedicated but given their work pressure i suppose, they tend to be harsh at times. Empathize & help them to help you.
    *For those who are working ( patient or attendants), make sure to have a full day at hand esp. for the pre check up & the surgery day.
    * Those from outside Guwahati, do consider guest house or lodging options before hand & also depending on the duration required for the patient’s treatment.
    *The first & third check up after operation is a must. In general, on the day of second eye visit, if facing any problems or as advised, do visit the hospital.
    *The costs depend in the kind of surgery opted, the kind of lens etc. Do discuss with the doctor you are consulting.
    *Do follow all the pre & post eye care advice strictly, it’s for your own benefit. Do clean your eye as advised to avoid any infection or difficulty.
    *Most of the patients are mid or old aged. So if you see any of them confused, lost or sad, do help them in your own little way.
    * Drop your suggestions in the box at the main counter of hospital or ask for feedback forms as it will help them improve their services all the more.
    * Spread the word, make a difference, even if it’s a tiny one

    Sri Shankara Nethralaya is near Beltola, Guwahati. Do consider visiting the hospital with your eye concerns! Thank you SSN!

  2. Harkumar Baishya
    Harkumar Baishya
    16 Dec 2021

    My mother-in-law has recently done cataract operation (both eyes) here and we find this place extremely suitable for patients. Special thanks to Dr. K.B. ma’am for her support/effort and guidance during this period.

    Positive points about this place:

    1. Cleanliness is top notch here.

    2. All the staff members (from gate keeper to doctors) are very polite and helpful. Everyone explains you well if you need any help. This shows the level of good management and professionalism which is hard to find in many equivalent hospitals.

    3. Before and after surgery processes are really straight forward and hassle free.

    4. I have observed the free eye checkup / operation drive during my visit here which is an act of appreciation and kindness.

    5. Proper parking and food facilities are available too for your convenience.

  3. Abhinibesh Gupta
    Abhinibesh Gupta
    16 Dec 2021

    Best hospital in entire north east. Equipped with latest technology and treatment. Well trained doctors and staff.

  4. Pioneer Aheibam
    Pioneer Aheibam
    16 Dec 2021

    We are still undergoing treatment for cosmetic eye surgery under Doctor KB. It was great and all the staffs are very friendly and cooperative till now. I hope in the later treatment also they will show the same respect and cooperative behavior. Thank you for being kind to us

  5. Rosemary
    16 Dec 2021

    The best ,the busiest and the biggest eye hospital in northeast. All the staff are sincere to their own duties , starting from security, receptionists , cleaner, etc. It is so hygienic inside and outside n have beautiful surroundings. The doctors are humble n caring. It is the best eye hospital so far.

  6. Diptanu Deb
    Diptanu Deb
    16 Dec 2021

    I believe this is the best eye care hospital in the northeastern region. My personal experience is quite good regarding the technology or facilities they use to treat a patient. Only one demerit pt. is that an hour work could take whole day which is really irritating sometimes.

  7. Biswajeet Sarmah
    Biswajeet Sarmah
    16 Dec 2021

    Excellent service, with excellent doctors and hospital staff. I had a consultation with Dr. B.M Agarwal for LASIK and cataract surgery. Very professional attitude, with quick and painless recovery and hassle free follow up. One of the premier institutions in the North East for complete ophthalmology consultation and care. The standards keep getting higher and I hope that in the near future, it becomes the undisputed leader in eye care in the North East!

  8. Rashmi123 Kashyap
    Rashmi123 Kashyap
    16 Dec 2021

    It is a nonprofit organization specific to eye or ophthalmology. With dedicated and super-specialized doctors.

  9. Rajeev Baishnab
    Rajeev Baishnab
    16 Dec 2021

    Had a worst experience. Had to wait for more than 4 hours for a check-up after operation. Appointment time as prescription was 11am.Waited for more than 4hours. If it is so the it makes no value of 11am time. Patients come from distance places. Proper management of time and patient services is the key point

    1. Response from the owner
      Response from the owner
      16 Dec 2021

      Greetings from SSDN. First of all we are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. Usually post operative checkup does not take so much time. There may be some valid reason for the delay. We request you to kindly provide your MRD number so that we can scrutinize the issue and give you due justification. On the other hand it will also help us improve ourselves and take corrective action. We do not give appointment time but we provide registration time.

      Looking forward to your kind response.


  10. Huidrom Binod
    Huidrom Binod
    16 Dec 2021

    The best the busiest the biggest eye hospital in the northeast. All the staffs are sincere to their own duties. Dedicated doctors ..Doctors are humble and caring. IT IS THE BEST HOSPITAL SO FAR. Specially thanks to Dr. Kadturi ma’am

  11. Manas Baruah
    Manas Baruah
    16 Dec 2021

    Way too time consuming a place, doctors do show things being managed professionally but they make you spend a lot of unnecessary time and unnecessary expenses, which is normally not required in contemporary eye hospitals anywhere in the world. No one should visit this place unless, the problem is really severe and proper eye specialist intervention is required. If you are just expecting a regular power check up, don’t be a fool visiting this place.

  12. Monsoon Batshya
    Monsoon Batshya
    16 Dec 2021

    As an intern am very grateful to be here. Every employee and staff members is so kind and helpful. They are helping me each and every way to do my internship during my intern period. Thank you.

  13. Madini Renthlei
    Madini Renthlei
    16 Dec 2021

    I am a Glaucoma patient since 2012 in SSN Hospital. I am proud to be a patient in this hospital due to various reasons. Firstly, the services and dedication of the Doctors and supporting staff, care, and concern they have shown upon their patients are noticeably amazing.

    Secondly, cooperation and friendliness among the staff is another factor which lifted the status of the hospital. Thirdly, cleanliness is one of the factors inviting the patient. I never hesitate to make use of the facilities offered by the hospital and feel very relaxed while visiting for a routine checkup.
    It may be mentioned that I and my family never regret choosing this Hospital for eye treatment and we already recommended SSN Hospital to our family friends and others. I especially want to thank Dr. S. Tayab my doctor who save me from blindness for her effort, hard works, and friendliness to whom I can freely communicate and share my views. I am proud of her and will remember her.
    I wish all the best for the Doctors and staff (technical and clerical staff) for the coming years. Hope the Hospital will prosper and a blessing to many. Thank you.

  14. Pradiptaman Baishya
    Pradiptaman Baishya
    16 Dec 2021

    Why don’t you build a multistoried parking facility for attended vehicles? You have enough space here. Outside the hospital premises, it’s the main road, where if we park our vehicles we are liable to a traffic fine. Otherwise, we are so satisfied with everything about this hospital.

  15. Kishalay Choudhury
    Kishalay Choudhury
    16 Dec 2021

    The on-desk hospitality at the institution is impeccable. Security staff is very co-operative. Interns are a bit callous, but the doctors are fantastic.

    Best for last: Dr. Hasha Bhattacharjee… what a man! Incredibly humble, to the point, punctual, and a wise personality. Unforeseen post-op procedure + the follow-up OPD visits (free of charges) were fabulous experiences.

  16. BabitaM Langthasa
    BabitaM Langthasa
    16 Dec 2021

    Overall is excellent. Dedicated doctors and staff. I am very satisfied with my husband’s surgery… Awesome experience with Dr. Harsha sir…Thank you so much, sir

  17. Rubul Sarma
    Rubul Sarma
    16 Dec 2021

    Reception is good from registration to file receiving. Hospital and OT staff behavior is satisfactory. Dr. Harsh Bardhan’s treatment protocol and behavior are excellent. Sri Randip Kakoty’s, (supdt.) help is praiseworthy. During my Eye checkup to the operation, I have not felt any problem. Thank you Sri sankardeva Netralaya

    From Dr. Birinchi Kumar Bora

  18. Puja Rajkhowa
    Puja Rajkhowa
    16 Dec 2021

    Extremely happy with the service provided. Thoroughly professional and extremely hygienic. My mother was operated on by Dr. Kasturi and I am grateful for the guidance and care received post op.

  19. Dolima Rabha
    Dolima Rabha
    16 Dec 2021

    The best eye hospital in North East India. Thanks to Dr. Kasturi Bhattacharjee for her treatment. Also thanks to the services of OPD 7. You won’t regret visiting this hospital for any eye related problem.

  20. Teresa Baite
    Teresa Baite
    16 Dec 2021

    It is the specialty for ophthalmology (eye), The infrastructure and facilities are excellent, everyone should go for it, I sincerely extend my thank to Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya staff for their hospitality, promptness, and courtesy.
    Especially, Thank you to Dr. Mrs. Kasturi Bhattacharjee for her excellent service, the quantity of humanity, friendliness, and all around, I don’t even find the words how should I personally thank her.
    May the staff and hospital be blessed in days to come.

  21. Moondilu Karap
    Moondilu Karap
    16 Dec 2021

    I have recently done my blepheroplasty in both eyes under Dr. KB ma’am. It was a great experience. And the surgery was done very nicely and perfectly. Thank you Dr. KB ma’am.

  22. Manikut Bayan
    Manikut Bayan
    16 Dec 2021

    Dr. G.c. Kuri is an excellent doctor. We are really happy. My mother’s age is more than 70 years. We did Sergey yesterday. Everything is fine. Thanks a lot, dr. Kuri. Really a good hospital for the eye. Very much clean and hygiene. Staff are good. Their behavior

  23. Voice of PK
    Voice of PK
    16 Dec 2021

    Every time, I come here, this place ruins my whole day for just one hour of work. Thank you, Dr. GK and the staff of opd 2… God bless you all… Very good services from doctors and staff. High-quality eye care service with humanity.

  24. Sanjit Ramjan Paul
    Sanjit Ramjan Paul
    16 Dec 2021

    This hospital service is so good and very good quality. Doctors are so good. As a Dr. KB ma’am is excellent. Very smooth behavior. Thanks a lot, ma’am

  25. Rajkamal Borah
    Rajkamal Borah
    16 Dec 2021

    One of the old and excellent eye hospitals of northeast India in the city of Guwahati.

    Huge campus area with enough vehicle parking capacity.

    Well-mannered staff and doctors, no delay in their service observed during the personal experience.

  26. Dhiraj Basumatary
    Dhiraj Basumatary
    16 Dec 2021

    A wonderful experience to the miracles of the eye. Truly an eye opener. Thank you so much Dr. Kasturi ma’am. You are so sweet ma’am. You are excellent, you are superb ma’am.. God bless you you

  27. Batlembiang Mawblei
    Batlembiang Mawblei
    16 Dec 2021

    It was a great experience being apart of SSN. I was doing my internship here for a month and I have got alot of knowledge. They staffs were very friendly and helpful, they always made us feel welcome and at ease. I have got a lot of guidance from Mrs. Namita, she has been very helpful and has done a wonderful job as a guide. I am very much grateful to her and all the others staffs I’ve met in SSN.

  28. Pranjal Barman
    Pranjal Barman
    16 Dec 2021

    Nice hospital. Most experience doctors. I am very satisfied for my treatment with Dr. Kasturi ma’am. She is really good. Thanks a lot ma’am

  29. Swapna Swapna
    Swapna Swapna
    16 Dec 2021

    Staff is really experienced and courteous while handling all the patients. The entire management is well organised and implemented. Especially, OPD-2 staff is excellent.. thank you all

  30. Nargish Sultana
    Nargish Sultana
    16 Dec 2021

    This hospital service is so good. We had very good experience for at the hospital. Everyone is was extremely happy helpful and and surgery on went smooth.. Thank you GK sor. Also thanks to Miss Namita

  31. Mrinal Saikia
    Mrinal Saikia
    16 Dec 2021

    Shree Shankardev Netralaya hospital is one the best eye hospital in India. The service and the staff are very good. Our cataract surgeon Dr. B.M Agarwala has done a very great job. He is also very gentle and polite. The security staff is also very good.