Pratiksha Hospital Guwahati

  • Pratiksha Hospital, VIP Road, Borbari, Near Vishnupath, Hengrabari, Guwahati, Assam, India
  • 0361 710 1600 / + (91) 9954093556
  • Open 24 hours

Pratiksha Hospital is a super speciality hospital with state of art technology providing medical excellence with human touch within the reach of every individual.

The main focus of the hospital is in-depth intensive analysis & treatment under one roof, specialized in state of the art Assisted Reproductive Technique (IVF), Minimal Invasive Surgery, Maternity Services, Foetal Medicine, Pediatrics with Neonatal ICU & PICU, Modern ICU, General Medicine, Orthopaedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Onco-Surgery, Dentistry and Paediatric-Surgery.

Pratiksha Hospital is glad to have all these super specialty departments and quality human resources under one roof which itself promise to give quality treatment & care.

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