North East Cancer Hospital and Research Institute
11th Mile, G.S Road, Amerigog, Jorabat, Assam 781023
094357 07661
Open 24 hours
North East Cancer Hospital and Research Institute could stand to strive for excellence and achieve its mission in improving the standards of Cancer treatment through state of art technology and dedicated human resources. Over last Eight years, the Institute has been able to create its place nationally as a unique self-financed organization which is focused on research and education. Our vision is clear- ‘to provide excellent cancer treatment’. We are moving ahead with our vision. Our sincerity made this institute to be recognized by UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) as a comprehensive cancer treatment center in India. We have a firm belief that this is the time to launch ourselves in to the next orbit. We already have international partner and collaborator from Netherlands for transferring knowledge and technology in this field. We are in the process of expanding and strengthening institutional network and build new partnerships with other national and international organizations. We have our dreams to become a world class Institute of cancer therapy and research. We are committed to the people of North east India.
OPD Services
- Radiation Oncology
- Surgical Oncology
- Head and Neck Oncology
- Medical Oncology
- Anaesthesia, Pain and Palliative Care
- Symptom Management Clinic
- Rehabilitation Clinic
- Dental Clinic
Diagnosis Services
- Fully Equipped Endoscopy Unit(Karl Storz, Germany)
- CT Scan( Somatom Emotion Duo, Siemens, Germany)
- Ultrasonograpy with colour Doppler
- Mamography
- Static X-ray unit with IITV (Fluroscopy)
- Mobile X-ray unit
- Central Laboratory-Biochemical & Pathological
- Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
Radiotherapy Services
- Linear Accelerator (Siemens, Germany )
- Treatment Planning System (Odyssey, Permedics, USA)
- Computerised Tomographic Simulation (iemens, USA)
- Radiation Scanner (CRS, USA)
Indoor Services
- Inpatient Department with upto 100 beds capacity (Male ward,female ward,semi-cabin,cabin,deluxe cabin,ICU & Emergency)
- Operation Theatre
- Critical care Unit.
Other Services
- Ambulance
- 24 hour Pharmacy
- Canteen
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