Kamakhya Sports

  • Opp. Royal Arcade, Dr B Borooah Rd, Guwahati - 781007, Assam, India
  • +91-90858-52110, +91-87238-66084
  • 10.00- 20.00 week days - Sunday closed

Kamakhya Sports

Here you can order your Sport Dress
You can purchase ready made sport wear
Can Print your office dress.
Can print your office logo name as you like.

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1st Floor, Panbazar Overbridge, Lakhtokia Police Point, Guwahati, Assam. Pin-781001.

0361-2735971 (O), 94351-09072, 96130-27402

10:30 AM to 8:30 PM week days - Sunday 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM

Available all kinds of Weights Items, Weight Benches, Boxing, Treadmills, Exercise Bikes, Ellipticals, Inversion Tables, Home Gyms, Fitness Accessories, Fitness Clothing, Yoga & Pilates etc.

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