Arya Vidyapeeth Girls Hostel in Birubari Guwahati

  • Arya Vidyapeeth Girls Hostel, 435, AK Azad Rd, Sankarpur, Birubari, Guwahati, Assam 781001
  • 098301 99536
  • 8.00 AM - 7.00 PM


  • Limited number of hostel seats for boys and girls are available. Admission to the hostels will be strictly on merit.
  • There are 90 seats in Boys’ Hostel and 70 seats in Girls’ Hostel.
  • Application for admission to the hostels is to be made to the respective Hostel Superintendent in prescribed
    form on the day of admission.
  • Necessary payment must be made on the day fixed by the Hostel Superintendent, failing which the allotted
    seat shall be forfeited.
  • The College Authority reserves the right to refuse or cancel admission to a candidate without assigning any
    reason. The decision of the College Authority is final and binding.


The boarders of the hostels must abide by the following hostel rules :

  • Every boarder of the hostel shall have to observe the timings of breakfast, meals, tiffin, study hours and evening roll calls.
  • During study hours no boarder should remain outside without permission from the Superintendent.
  • Any type of abuse (alcohol / drugs) etc shall lead to expulsion.
  • Leave of absence from the hostel must be obtained in advance from the Superintendent.
  • No outsider should be allowed during the study hours or college hours and no guests should be entertained without previous permission from the Superintendent.
  • A boarder applying for transfer from the college must produce a certificate from the Superintendent testifying to his / her good conduct and the payment of all outstanding dues. A boarder asking for a college certificate must have recommendation of the Superintendent of the hostel for his/ her good conduct.
  • Expulsion from the hostel implies expulsion from the college and vice-versa.
  • College hostel shall remain closed during the summer vacation and Puja vacation and no boarder shall be allowed to reside in the hostel in any private capacity without permission from the Principal.

  • The mess dues must be paid by the boarders within 15th day of each month or within such a date as may be notified by the Hostel Superintendent. Non-payment of hostel dues in time should be a sufficient reason for disciplinary action.
  • An establishment charge of 1800.00 must be paid along with admission fee of 450.00. Seat rent @275.00 per month to be paid for the whole year at the time of admission. Hostel caution deposit of 250.00 (refundable) will also be realised at the time of admission. At the time of admission a sum of 1000.00 should be deposited with the Superintendent as mess caution money to be adjusted at the time of leaving the hostel.
  • The Superintendent maintains a conduct register. The boarders are liable to be punished and have their name entered in the register for misconduct in the event of violation of rules.

Arya Vidyapeeth Girls Hostel located in 435, AK Azad Rd, Sankarpur, Birubari, Guwahati, Assam 781001

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